It’s My Party And I’ll Die If I Want To

It’s My Party And I’ll Die If I Want To (2007)

It's My Party And I'll Die If I Want To Banner

Tom and friends

“I’m going to fuck-start your face!”

Scotchworthy’s debut film is promising. Sara’s birthday is on Halloween and her friends are throwing a surprise party in the local haunted house. What could possibly go wrong? The movie opens with a man slaughtering his family in an old funeral home. Cut to present day. While preparing for the party at the funeral home, Tom Savini startles an unclad friend of Sara’s. The friend then has her heart ripped out by a ghost. Various characters go missing while they are preparing for the party. When Sara arrives all hell breaks loose. For being a low budget movie, the special effects are quite good, which is what one would expect with Tom Savini as a consultant. Although the plot is somewhat cliche, it is evident that there was a lot of love put into the film. The dialog did not fizzle, most of the actors could act, and there are legitimate chills in the movie, especially at the end. The movie is too dark (poorly lit) at times, and the pacing was slow at times. My biggest peeve is that the “comic book” effect is over used in low budget movies, and it is used here as well. I am looking forward to more films from this Chicago based company. I give this a 9/10.

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